Teresa Gugerty

I was raised in the suburbs of Chicago.

My first job after college was as a graphic designer.

Now I write front-end code for Globus.org .

In my spare time, I try to sew clothing and play console video games.

Photography and fine arts were passions of mine growing up.

I like to bake tasty treats and am always looking for new recipes.

One time a squirrel broke into my apartment and ate my pizza.

I chased him out with a Swiffer Sweeper.

I have an Atari 2600, which I call my "baby".

For about a year, I attempted roller derby. (I was terrible)

Watching movies is a favorite pastime of mine.

I'm married to a super spiffy CPA, but I can't say that three times fast.

In recent years, I've been learning more about accessibility in web development.

Here's my resumé if that interests you.

If you want to get a hold of me, shoot me an email .

a half decent portrait of me